Australia Day giveaway
6 years ago
This blog is to track the changes the Lord is going to make in me as I strive to let Him be Lord of everything.
I lost 4 more lbs this week for a total of 8.
I have been going over in my mind what I have learned from the questionaires and I really feel I already knew those things about myself. I have known for quite some time that I am an emotional eater. It really hit me how much when I was told the store I worked at would be closing it's doors and my dream job would be over in just a couple of months. I had been losing weight prior to that and doing a fantastic job of it. I was well on my way to having 30 lbs. off when I got the news. I began to eat like crazy. Especially, sweets. But, then I started back guzzling Coke and eating McDonald's. Comfort food. Yeah, right! I was really feeling comforted when I put back all weight I'd lost plus 10 more pounds making me weigh in at my heaviest ever in my life!
I know that I know that I know that I have got to turn to the Lord when I want to overeat. If I can't learn to turn to Him for fulfillment then I am undone. That's what I hope I am learning through this study and the Woman of Beauty Study, as well. Oh, I do hope and pray I am learning it.